
Fiber optic solution for the research sector

The sector of research is keen on innovations involving optical fiber components. SEDI-ATI has a long-term experience in designing and prototyping custom and complex optical fiber assemblies for research centers. We provide solutions for ground and underwater telescopes, as well as for particle accelerators, and even for dosimetry monitoring.


Fiber optic solution for the astronomy sector

We are able to supply complex, long optical fiber assemblies for large instruments such as telescopes, spectrographs… SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques has also contributed to major research projects such as MOONS, WEAVE, GIRAFFE or MEGARA.

Case Studies

WEAVE: the multi-fiber spectrograph new generation that will unravel great mysteries of the Universe

SEDI-ATI has participated in the design of the LIFU and one MOS by the design, the setting up of manufacturing processes and the assembly of fibered sets.

GIRAFFE : the VLT multi-fiber spectrograph revealing the birth of galaxies

SEDI-ATI is specialized in complex assemblies of a high number of fibers for large instruments.

MOONS: the Multi-Object Optical and NIR Spectrograph of the VLT, fed with a thousand optical fibers!

SEDI-ATI has delivered 64 slitlets of 16 optical fibers each, to form 2 identical slits of 512 fibers, aimed at transporting the light of celestial.


Fiber optic solution for the particle physics sector

SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques solutions play a crucial role in particle physics, enabling fast, accurate and reliable data collection in complex environments such as particle accelerators and particle detectors.

Case Studies

CO2M: Measuring Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere

SEDI-ATI took part in the project by supplying specific patchcords, fiber-optic bundles, and feedthroughs with our FCXtreme® connector, a compact FC connector for defense and aerospace applications.

ANTARES telescope’s optical fibers allow to detect neutrinos from the depths of the abyss

SEDI-ATI has equipped the Antares neutrino telescope with a network of hermetic optical fibers.


Fiber optic solution for dosimetry measurements

SEDI-ATI Fibres Optiques is helping to design dosimetry sensors based on scintillating fibers to detect and measure radiation dose rates in medical facilities, research laboratories and nuclear stations for exemple.

Case Studies

Inspect: online and remote dosimetry for inspecting nuclear equipment

SEDI-ATI took part in the INSPECT project by supplying a bundle of 16-channel optical fibers for instrumentation to measure the level of radioactivity in nuclear equipments.

Scintillating fiber dosimeter for radiology

SEDI-ATI designs scintillating fiber optic probes for dosimeter applications applied to radiology.

Real-time detection of contaminants in drinking water using scintillating fibers

SEDI-ATI has developed a bundle of scintillating plastic optical fibers to do real-time detection of nuclear contaminants in drinking water.