Bank fraud alerts

We would like to inform you of a worrying situation that could affect the security of your banking information.

Recently, one of our customers was the victim of bank fraud following the receipt of fraudulent emails claiming to concern a change of bank details. This is a current practice of people impersonating professionals in order to obtain payment from their customers for invoices intercepted and modified without our knowledge (“Scam”).

These frauds are based on the replication – sometimes identical – of collaborators e-mail addresses and distinctive signs such as their logo.

Fraudsters can also create website domain names that resemble real domains, to make people believe that they correspond to a genuine e-mail address.

Precautions to be taken

We take this situation very seriously and would like to provide you with some important recommendations to protect your financial data:

Email verification: Be extremely vigilant when receiving emails supposedly sent by SEDI-ATI and all your other suppliers. Always be sure to check the sender’s email address and be skeptical of any unusual requests.

Check that your bank details are correct.  Any changes to our bank details will always be communicated to you officially and will not simply be changed on an invoice. So before making any changes to your bank details, contact your usual contacts directly by telephone to confirm the authenticity of the request.

Reporting attempted fraud: If you receive a suspicious email or have reason to believe that you may be the target of fraud, please contact us immediately by phone so that we can take appropriate action.

If in doubt, always call your privileged contact within our company (at a known/confirmed number) for verification/assistance. Do not simply use the unvalidated telephone numbers provided on the invoice or e-mail, as they often refer to fraudulent telephone systems that falsely validate incorrect account information.

Thank you for your understanding and vigilance.

In case of doubts, please contact us